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IC Mechanical

With over 100 smart extra features to maximise your productivity! 

This extension is included in the complete installation file for IronCAD DCS.

An invaluable tool in IRONCAD

A really powerful and efficiency-enhancing package with many features!

  • Screws, bolts, beams, profiles, locking rings, springs, etc.

  • Sprockets, Springs, ProActiveManager BOM tools.

  • 2D drawing header editor, create unique QR codes for 2D drawings.

  • Lots of additional features that are incredibly effective.

Athena Horizons has for over 15 years been deeply involved in the development of IC Mechanical (formerly IronPRO XT) and therefore many standard components follow Swedish standards. The tools are created and adapted entirely to customer requirements.

Manual for IC Mechanical

See and learn more about all the features of IC Mechanical in a packed online manual. It contains an overview of all tools and functions with text, pictures and videos. There's an amazing amount included!

Take a look at the manual, we recommend you visit the site:

Productive tools for steel beams and profiles

IC Mechanical has a range of simple and powerful tools for designing with steel beams.

A large library of standard dimensions is included. Create your own profiles if desired.


Drag & Drop beams and trim them against each other with one click. Copy or move in seconds with the TriBall tool.

News for IC Mechanical

The development of IC Mechanical is taking place in parallel with IRONCAD and comes largely from the requests of existing users.

Stay up to date on all the latest features of IC Mechanical.

Intelligent pipe drawing tools "Piping"

IC Mechanical contains a large set of tools for creating 3D pipe drawings. A customizable library of both pipes and different flange types is included.

A selection of features from IC Mechanical

The ICM Mech catalogue includes mechanical features such as threaded holes, fasteners, beams, bolt assemblies, ball bearings, standard beams/aluminium profiles and much more .

Large library with fasteners

IC Mechanical includes a large library of customizable fasteners and advanced tools for handling them. For example, to create holes through multiple parts simultaneously for bolted joints.

Names according to the Swedish standard are automatically created and transferred to the parts list in the 2D drawing. These can of course also be adapted to your company's specific numbering system and designations.

Totalling the total number of components in a machine, sorted by dimension or any other way, is done at the touch of a button.

Steel Scaffolding

Contact us for a free trial.

The ICM Utils directory contains a large number of quick functions such as Triball on center of gravity, Merge and split features (Intellishapes), Mark to configuration and much, much more.

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